What is the role of non-surgical chin augmentation in full-face rejuvenation?
What can dermatologists learn about new modalities for the sagging neck?
What new developments in injectable fillers were discussed at the AAD 2019 Annual Meeting?
Hassan I. Galadari, MD, FAAD
UAE University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Fillers, cosmetic dermatology
When considering dermal fillers, what concerns are most important for you as a dermatologist, and for your patients?
What cosmetic dermatology advances are of greatest interest to dermatologists, researchers, and patients?
What trends in cosmetic dermatology did you see in 2018, and what do you anticipate for 2019?
Brian A. Ginsberg, MD, FAAD
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA
Transgender patients
What dermatology issues are particularly relevant to transgender patients?
What management challenges do you encounter when treating transgender patients?
Is it possible that dermatology procedures currently deemed cosmetic or elective will be considered medically necessary for transgender patients in the future?
Nellie Konnikov, MD, FAAD
Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA
Field cancerization therapies, photodynamic therapy
What can dermatologists learn about field cancerization therapies at the 2019 AAD Annual Meeting?
Can photodynamic therapy be a useful modality for field cancerization in elderly and high-risk immunosuppressed patients?
What new developments in photodynamic therapy are featured at the AAD 2019 Annual Meeting, and how can dermatologists use this knowledge to improve patient care?
How are photodynamic therapy candidates selected, and how are therapeutic goals set?
Mark G. Lebwohl, MD, FAAD
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA
Psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis
What are the best methods for determining which drug is best suited for the specific patient?
What are new developments in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis?
Boris D. Lushniak, MD, MPH, FAAD
School of Public Health, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA
The dermatologist in modern society
What topics does the AAD 2019 Annual Meeting cover about the changing role of the dermatologist in contemporary society?
How might dermatologists influence the way that health systems provide patient care?
How can dermatologists balance the challenges of applying technical advances, containing costs, and improving outcomes to provide high-quality patient care?
Crystal L. Mackall, MD
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
Engineering T cells for cancer therapy
After many decades of research, genetically engineered T cells are demonstrating unprecedented activity against B-cell malignancies. Could the engineered immune cells also prove effective against solid tumors?
What is the current state-of-the-art of engineered immune cells for the treatment of cancer?
Antigen escape and downregulation have emerged as major issues impacting the durability of CAR T cell therapy. What is their incidence and what are the ways to overcome these obstacles in order to improve clinical outcomes?
Kristian Reich, MD, PhD
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany
Psoriasis, atopic dermatitis
What are your highlights from the AAD 2019 Annual Meeting in the areas of psoriasis and atopic dermatitis?
Jerry Shapiro, MD, FAAD
NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, USA
Hair disorders
What are new developments for the quantification of progress when evaluating patient outcomes?
What emerging therapies to treat hair loss were presented at the AAD 2019 Annual Meeting?
How does treating hair loss in women differ from treating hair loss in men?
How does the cause of hair loss impact the treatment options considered by physician and patient?
Daniel M. Siegel, MD, MS, FAAD
SUNY Downstate Medical Center University, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Dermatologic surgery pearls: optimizing safety, satisfaction, efficiency
What technological innovations were discussed at the AAD 2019 Annual Meeting?
What are some valuable opportunities for AAD member dermatologists to collaborate with international colleagues to improve clinical practice?
How can dermatologists enhance patient safety and patient-centered outcomes?
Jashin J. Wu, MD, FAAD
Dermatology Research and Education Foundation, Irvine, CA, USA
Joint AAD-NPF Psoriasis Guidelines
What are some updates on the 2019 Joint American Academy of Dermatology-National Psoriasis Foundation (AAD-NPF) Psoriasis Guidelines?
In what ways do the 2019 Joint AAD-NPF Psoriasis Guidelines differ from previous guidelines?
Robin Farmanfarmaian
Professional speaker, career coach & entrepreneur, Palo Alto, CA, USA
Patient empowerment in the digital age
We live in times of great social, scientific, and technological transformation. Do you think that it's possible to dismantle, then redesign existing healthcare systems?
How can physicians help patients understand the current medical revolution driven by innovative technologies?
Patients have traditionally been passive. In your book, The Patient as CEO, you describe technologies disrupting medicine, putting patients in control of their own healthcare. How will this impact the future of medicine?
Entrevistas locales
Dra. Natalia Hernández Mantilla
Presidente anterior, AsoColDerma
Dermatitis atópica, enfermedades genitales de la mujer
¿Cómo pueden los dermatólogos colombianos aplicar la información de la reunión anual de la AAD 2019 a mejorar el cuidado de los pacientes?
¿Qué principales perlas clínicas de la reunión anual de la AAD 2019 impactarán la práctica clínica en dermatitis atópica?
¿Qué novedades en la prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento de las enfermedades genitales de la mujer se presentaron en la reunión anual de la AAD 2019?
Dra. Angelica Domínguez
Dermatóloga, Bogotá
Estiramientos faciales no quirúrgicos
¿Qué pueden aprender los dermatólogos sobre los estiramientos faciales no quirúrgicos durante la reunión anual de la AAD 2019?
¿Qué le diría usted a los dermatólogos sobre la importancia de los puntos de anclaje?
Entre los nuevos avances en procedimientos para el estiramiento facial no quirúrgico, ¿cuáles son de interés para dermatólogos y pacientes?
Manuel D. Franco, MD
Dermatología, Bogotá
Dermatitis atópica en adultos y niños
¿Qué novedades hay en el tratamiento de la dermatitis atópica?
¿Qué tratamientos nuevos hay para la población pediátrica?
¿Cuáles son las preguntas más relevantes sobre la dermatitis atópica que deben responderse?
¿Qué puede decirnos sobre las comorbilidades que sufren los pacientes con dermatitis atópica?
Cesar González Ardila, MD
Dermatólogo, Bogotá
¿Qué conocimientos nuevos sobre la patogénesis del melasma se presentan en la reunión anual de la AAD 2019?
¿Cuáles son las mejores opciones de tratamiento para los pacientes con melasma, y cuáles son los eventos adversos potenciales?
¿Cómo el melasma impacta negativamente en la calidad de vida y en las interacciones psicosociales de los pacientes, y cómo el tratamiento exitoso mejora dichos aspectos?
Como presidente anterior de RADLA, ¿qué rol tienen los dermatólogos latinoamericanos en la comunidad médica global?
Dra. Minerva Gómez Flores
Anterior Presidente PSOMEX
Psoriasis; enfermedades inflamatorias
¿Qué nuevas opciones de tratamiento para la psoriasis se presentan en la reunión anual de la AAD 2019, y qué ventajas ofrecen sobre los tratamientos ya existentes o los tratamientos tradicionales?
Desde la investigación a la práctica clínica: ¿qué terapias emergentes e innovadoras para las enfermedades inflamatorias están siendo desarrolladas, y qué enfermedades inflamatorias son de mayor preocupación?
¿Cómo podemos saber en qué medida los pacientes responden bien a los nuevos tratamientos en 2019?
Dr. Luis Enrique Sánchez Dueñas
Colegio Médico de Dermatólogos de Jalisco, Guadalajara